Grace Baptist Church Decatur, IL

"Come As You Are ... Leave Changed!"

special events

  Celebrate Recovery

Substance Abuse/Chemical Dependence Program with a Christian emphasis...

...Our meeting room has a nice pool table, air hockey, TVs, and a comfortable lounge area for relaxation and fellowship.

Connect with our Celebrate Recovery group!  Call 217-877-0009.

For too long the local church has fallen down on the job in helping people recover from harmful habits, hurts and hang-ups. For too long most programs speak about ‘recovering’ as though it is something that will never really take place. The problem is most programs today have no real power because they have never known the name of the Higher Power – Jesus Christ. But thanks to Rick Warren [bestselling author of "The Purpose Driven Life"] and the leaders of Saddleback Community Church, a biblically-based recovery program has come out that not only identifies our healer, but also celebrates the finality of recovery.

Therefore, God has led us to begin a Celebrate Recovery ministry at GBC. Although we have a leader and a core group of individuals who want to participate, we also need people who have been delivered from habits, hurts, or hang-ups to help in this ministry. If you are interested in finding out more about Celebrate Recovery you can call 217-877-0009.  Click the map for info. about groups elsewhere.

Celebrate Recovery is..

We struggle with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Through God’s grace and power, thousands of individuals, in hundreds of churches, have worked the Christ-centered Celebrate Recovery program
Celebrate Recovery allows us to experience fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through the "8 Biblical Recovery Principles." This experience allows us to "be changed." By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors.
This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power - Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher Power.
Step-studies are discipleship groups that meet to work through the 8 principles of the Celebrate Recovery program. Groups are led by a trained facilitator who has worked through his own personal recovery. [Been there, done that.]
The groups meet weekly for about an hour and a half, and the time to complete the steps usually takes about a year.

      Celebrate Recovery

Click on President Bush to listen to/read what he has to say about this program.  [Reference is approx. 1/2 thru speech.]
Click here to go to the main Celebrate Recovery website.

Connect with our Celebrate Recovery group!  Call 217-877-0009.
Our current group focuses on chemical dependence [alcohol, drugs, etc.]   but future topics include pornography, sexual purity, money addiction/gambling, co-dependents in a relationship with an addicted man, low self esteem, control issues, depression, abuse (physical/emotional/sexual), and anger.