

2009 Sermons

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12/20/09 - "Good News, Anyone?" - Luke 2:10-14
7 Reasons why the good tidings brought by the angel that night were much needed "good news" in this world.

         This and other Christmas Sermons in Timely Sermons section.



12/16/09 - "Wrapping Things Up" - 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
When it comes to giving many Christians nothing! 6 Guidelines for Giving God’s tithe on God’s day that God’s work might be done in God’s way. Then the closing of this letter.

Final message in 1 Corinthians Series



12/13/09 - "Gift Wrapped" - HOW GOD WRAPPED His greatest gift, HOW MARY WRAPPED the gift, HOW SATAN WRAPS the gift, and HOW THE HOLY SPIRIT UNWRAPS it.

        This and other Christmas Sermons in Timely Sermons section.




12/9/09 - "7 Steps to Victory" 

I Corinthians 15:57
Acrostic of word "VICTORY" outlines the 7 points.  We all need victory over various hurts, habits, and hang-ups.


        [This sermon only available in the ''Complete Collection'.]  Click here


Sitting at Jesus' Feet PowerPoint Sermon12/6/09 - "Sitting at Jesus' Feet" - Luke 8:35
7 things we find when we are willing to sit at the feet of Jesus. Includes all the places they took Him and things they did.

          [This sermon only available in the 'Gospel of Jesus Series' or the 'Complete Collection'.]  Click here



12/6/09 - "They Fought From Heaven" - Judges 4-5
We wanted change and we are getting it. We reap what we sow. Sin leads to death, and nations are not exempt from this law.  You cannot fight against God and expect to win.



12/2/09 - "Christmas:  The New Easter" - 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

We can have the merriest Christmas by celebrating the real reason for the season, that the incarnation was for the purpose of the substitution and the resurrection!






11/29/09 - "Sealed With a Promise" - Ephesians 1:12-14

The word 'seal' indicates 3 things:  Ownership, Security, and a Finished Transaction.  How the 'Earnest', the Holy Spirit of Promise, is deposited in our hearts as a down payment of much more to come!




gratitude PowerPoint Sermon11/24/09 - "The Thanksgiving Catalog" - Psalm 102

The biggest 'gratitude killer' is the day after when Christmas shopping begins in earnest and we stop thinking about what we have and start thinking about what we want.



11/22/09 - "Words I'm Thankful For" 

John 10:27-29
Does God have a vocabulary problem?  Is there fine print to my salvation?  Or are His exact words really promising me EVERLASTING, never ending, ETERNAL life?



11/22/09 - "The Wild Man" 

Genesis 16:11-12
Islam has come to America like never before. We are back to a 9/10 mentality and worse, for the wild man has found a home here and friends at the highest levels of government.





11/18/09 - "Speaking of Tongues

1 Corinthians 14
Greek Word Study which has convinced many open-minded that this sign gift has ceased in its Biblical form.






11/15/09 - "Can A Saved Person Ever Be Lost?

Ephesians 2
Some say, “If I believed that way I’d get saved and just live however I want to live...that's just a license to sin!” Why that doesn't work, plus many more Biblical arguments for Eternal Security.



11/15/09 - "Side Jobs" 

Acts 20
Paul had the heart of an ACCOUNTANT, a RUNNER, and a STEWARD, and illustrates for us how to truly do God’s will in our lives.  By the way, we ALL are tentmakers!





11/8/09 - "Jesus in the Midst

John 20:19-22
A dozen times we find Jesus 'in the midst' of His people.  What a powerful and encouraging teaching.  Christ in our midst makes us Peaceful, Joyful, Useful, and Powerful!



11/8/09 - "Espionage and Assassination" 

Judges 3
The first 3 judges were true heroes:  Othniel's uncle was the famous spy, Caleb.  Ehud was an assassin [Agent 002].  And Shamgar - "shamwow!"  These dramas really draw you in.



11/4/09 - "Inside the Heart of the Apostle Paul" 

Acts 20:18-38
When he opened his heart up to the people of Ephesus, we see some qualities inside which we all should cultivate. We also find 3 things which made him cry.



11/1/09 - "O Come, and be Faithful"

Acts 20:18-38
When we peer inside the heart of Paul we find faithfulness: To the FAMILY, in our FINANCES, to the FELLOWSHIP, and to the FAITH.



PM - "Short Changed" 

Judges 2:10-19
The 3 Rs of long term change:  Repentance, Relationship, Remembrance.  America is so forgetful, and like Israel in our text, judgment is in process.





10/28/09 - "The Crown Jewel" - 1 Corinthians 13
This 'love chapter' is often read at weddings, but its meaning and significance go deeper than man can comprehend.  God is love, and to come to know this kind of love is to know Him.





10/25/09 - "Disabled Nation" - Judges 1:1-7
America reminds me of these 70 kings in our text: Dethroned and Disabled, and reduced to settling for scraps which fall from above sparingly. And we used to sit feasting at the table of the KING of Kings.








10/18/09 - "Bringing America Back to God" - Judges 1 - 2
The parallels of America and Israel are staggering - both denied the Lord, defied the law, and defiled the land. Is God about to judge us like He did them?






9/23/09 - "Frozen Assets" - 1 Corinthians 12
Every Christian has spiritual gifts.  But few really put them to use.  It's time to thaw them defrost what God has given us and get to work. Be informed, Be influenced, and Be identifying yours!







9/20/09 AM/PM - "The Church on the Launching Pad" - Acts 13:1-3

The Church is on a Mission.  Do we have the 'Right Stuff?'  The CHURCH of God, the COMMANDERS of God, the CALL of God, the COMMISSION of God.



9/13/09 AM - "A Fast Message From God" - "God’s 9 Main Purposes for Fasting" from Is. 58 make for a great outline and eye-opening sermon for those hungry for righteousness. Also, Biblical admonitions on the Benefits and Dangers to consider when fasting.


        [This sermon only available in the ''Complete Collection'.]  Click here

Lord's Supper PowerPoint Sermon9/9/09 - "Come To The Table" - 1 Corinthians 10:16-11:31
Includes 7 things we ought to bring with us as we approach the greatest dinner table of all time.  





9/6/09 AM - "City Wide Revival" - Acts 8:5-8

It can happen once again, and here’s the ingredients to fire our people up again! Evangelist Philip and what happened in Samaria: The Man, The Message, The Miracles.



9/2/09 - "Who Wears the Pants?" - 1 Corinthians 11

It’s not an equality issue or about women at all.  It’s really about authority, headship, submission, and order.  God - Christ - Man - Woman



8/30/09 - "Highway to Revival" - Isaiah 40 reveals that God wants to bring us truckloads of blessing, but are we willing to pave the way and build the road?

        [This sermon only available in the ''Complete Collection'.]  Click here




8/26/09 - "What Can I Do When I'm Tempted to Do What I Don't Want to Do?" - 1 Corinthians 10:13

Temptation:  The PURPOSE, the PROTECTION, and the PROCEDURE.  And how to PRACTICE taking the 'way of escape' God provides.






8/23/09 AM/PM - "Consummation" - Rev. 21 - 22

10 R's give us a walkthru of Heaven.  Human history began in paradise…the Garden of Eden.  And it will all end in paradise…the New Jerusalem.


[stunning visual aides]





8/19/09 - "Athletic Christian" - 1 Corinthians 9

It takes desire, discipline, drive and determination, self denial, and distinctive character to fight the good fight and win in the race of life.







8/16/09 AM/PM - "Condemnation" - Rev. 20:11-15

The Courtroom, the Judge, the Accused, the Evidence, the Defense, the Verdict, the Sentence. 


[stunning visual aides]



8/12/09 - "Trippin'" - 1 Corinthians 8
All about the 'grey areas' of life and morality, and how to avoid becoming a stumbling block to others as you choose your standards for the Savior.






8/9/09 - "Coming" - Revelation 19
ARMAGEDDON!  The BIGGEST battle of all time will also be the quickest! Jesus is coming back VISIBLY, VICTORIOUSLY, & w/ a VENGEANCE.






8/9/09 - "Coronation" - Revelation 20

Ever wonder what it would’ve been like to have lived in the garden of Eden?  Before sin?  That time is coming in the Millennium, before we enter the “eternal state”.





7/26/09 - "Chastisement" - Revelation 16:1-21
4 horsemen ride - 7 trumpets sound - 3 woes are heard - 7 Vile Vials of Judgment fall on the earth during the Great Tribulation. God's wrath, judgment, love, and salvation plan.



[2 parts]



7/22/09 - "The BOTTOM Line on Spanking" - Proverbs 23:13-14

We're not talking about abuse ... the 'application' that needs to be made is from the Word of God. We would be wiser than Dr. Spock if only we would recognize that pain is a primary motivator and some of the best lessons are learned thru it.






7/19/09 - "Caught Away!" - Revelation 4:1-11

We must make sure we are "Rapture-Ready." In Rev. 4:1 the church goes "off the air" because the church goes "IN the air!"

 [Next in series, "The Bible in 20 Cs"]


7/15/09 - "Courting Church Members" - 1 Corinthians 6:1-11
How should Christians settle differences of opinion with each other, disputes, or even instances of personal damages? Through lawsuits?



7/12/09 - "The Church that Made God Sick" - Revelation 3:14-22
If it’s possible for a set of conditions to exist which make God sick, then we need to know about them, so we can avoid them at all costs!

 [The Lukewarm Church]



7/5/09 - "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb" - Deuteronomy 23:21
The Patriots of yesteryear have a lesson to teach the Christians of today about commitment, paying the price, and reaping rewards.




7/1/09 - "Church Discipline" - 1 Corinthians 5:1-11
Tactful way of bringing the church back to the Biblical roots of accountability, responsibility, and discipline!

[3 parts now complete!]



6/28/09 - "Commended Church" - Revelation 3:7-13
Of all 7 churches of Asia Minor, here’s the one we want to emulate -- Philadelphia: 1. Highly commended 2. Deeply challenged 3. Greatly compensated

[Available in 'Reading Someone Else's Mail' Series or the Complete Collection]


6/21/09 - "Welcome to the Family" - Romans 8:14-15
Adoption and regeneration - and the advantages we receive as sons of God [GUIDANCE, ACCEPTANCE, ASSURANCE, INHERITANCE...all are ours!]




6/14/09 - "Crippled Church" - Revelation 3:1-6
Sardis is the dying or dead church. It could be our church. The problem and the prescription to fix it and make it once again the Lord’s Church.

[Available in 'Reading Someone Else's Mail' Series or the Complete Collection]


5/24/09 - "Corrupt Church" - Revelation 2:18-29
Thyatira is a corrupt church. They do many great works, but God does not even address them as His children. It’s still here today and is key to the end of the world.



5/21/09 - "On the Road Again" - Matthew 7:13

An object lesson with scriptural points - 10 things for the checklist as you hit the highway of life.



5/17/09 - "Compromising Church" - Revelation 2:12-17
Like Pergamos, today's church seems to keep only a moderate distance from the world, but both the world AND the church are moving downhill in tandem, and further away from Jesus. The world is looking for something more real before they'll get saved!

[Available in 'Reading Someone Else's Mail' Series or the Complete Collection]


5/13/09 - "I Only Work on Sundays!" - 1 Corinthians 4:1-21
I have learned that everyone knows what the pastor should be doing except me. That is exactly what Paul was saying to this church in Corinth--and things haven’t changed much after all of these years.



5/10/09 - "Will the Real Mom Please Stand Up?" - 1 Kings 3:16-28
Only a mother's heart can have such a bond as this with a child.  Many funnies and great truths accompany this celebration of one of God's greatest gifts to mankind...Mother.



5/6/09 - "Three Guys" - 1 Corinthians 3:1-17
There is the natural man, the supernatural [Spirit filled] man, and the unnatural [carnal] man. Which guy are you? "6 Things the Bible says to do to the Flesh."



5/3/09 - "Dying For the Cause" - Revelation 2:8-11
The name Smyrna comes from the word for myrrh…which is known for releasing its wonderfully delightful fragrance…when crushed! This suffering church is symbolic of the 10 Great Persecutions from the 1st-3rd C.

 [Available in 'Reading Someone Else's Mail' Series or the Complete Collection]


4/29/09 - "The Power of Foolishness" - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
The cross divides men. The lost see it as foolishness. But it unites those of us who have been born again. Jesus called Himself a divider of men, and the dividing line is the cross.



7 Churches of Asia Minor PowerPoint Sermons Series Patmos John4/26/09 - "Duty without Devotion" - Revelation 2:1-7
The 7 churches of Asia Minor - Ephesus had lost their first love and represents the church from 30 - 100 A.D. as well as many churches today.  'How to rekindle the honeymoon.'



4/22/09 - "How to Kill a Church" - 1 Corinthians 1:1-17
The angel at the tomb said, ‘why seek the living among the dead?’ And many are finding it true as they seek a church. Corinth was a defiled, divided, and thus disgraced place, but there was hope!



4/19/09 - "Church" - Ephesians 3:1-5
What is the purpose of the church? It’s 3 fold: • To magnify the Lord thru worship and the Word. • To move believers to maturity and ministry. • To make Jesus known to our neighbors and the nations.



4/12/09 - "Wanted:  Dead AND Alive!" - John 20:31
The ones who wanted Him dead were afraid that He was alive, and the ones who wanted Him alive assumed He was dead! But no one was neutral about Jesus. 'Cross Examination' style investigation of the facts of the case.



4/12/09 - "HeRose to Save Us All!" - John 15:13
From our missionaries to our military, we call them heroes because they go in our place, sacrificing all for a great cause! They know what they have to do.



4/5/09 - "Cross" - Matthew 26:1-26:75
Jesus exposed the darkness in the hearts of men, but rather than stepping into the light, they decided to snuff out the Light. Summary of the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life w/ focus on 7 sayings on the cross.



3/29/09 - "Christmas:  The New Easter" - Luke 2
Christmas is the new Easter! We should celebrate it in the springtime, for the birth of Christ was only necessary to bring about the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.  He was born to die that we might live!



4/1/09 - "Lazy Bones" - 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
Several jokes and illustrations on how to know if you are lazy--then what the Bible says about it and how to be diligent as a servant of the Lord.



3/25/09 - "Son of Perdition" - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
The Disturbing Message. The Deceptive Man. the Deluded Masses. The antichrist, the timeframe, and why we believe these are the last days.



3/22/09 - "Captivity" - 1 Kings 12
Amazing similarities exist between Israel and America - from their founding to civil war to sinful rejection of the 70 year captivity!



3/22/09 - "Construction" - Ezra / Nehemiah
Anytime the people of God say let us rise up and build the devil and his forces rise up in opposition. Rebuilding Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Walls, and the coming reunification of Israel.



3/18/09 - "Good Words for Bad Days" - 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
Bad words may be the first to come to mind when times are hard. But our text has some encouraging good words, particularly right now.



3/15/09 - "Crown" - I Samuel - I Chronicles
Dynamically interesting content!  Summary of the period of the kings, w/ a special contrast of Saul, David, and Solomon.  Wonderful visuals enhance a very helpful outline.

2 Parts now complete!


3/11/09 - "The Ideal Walk" - 1 Thessalonians 4-5
5 Reasons the Christian life is compared to a walk. Then Paul gives a candid illustration of sex, purity, and holiness.  Other topics include the walks of love, honesty, hope, and much more.

4 Parts now complete!


3/8/09 - "The World's Most Popular Religion" - The World wants a religion that does not INSIST, does not INVOLVE, does not INTERFERE, and does not INCLUDE [certain things.]


        [This sermon only available in the ''Complete Collection'.]  Click here


3/8/09 - "Castaways, Camp, Conquest" - Exodus - Joshua
Abram’s great grandkids have issues. Bird's eye view of the Castaways in Egypt, Camping in the wilderness, and the Conquest of Canaan, with a focus on what we can learn from Israel for our lives today.


3/1/09 - "Pity Party" - Luke 15
It’s a sad tune because the only instrument in the band is your own drum which you are beating on incessantly - Very "Phunny" opening poem, then the CURSE, CAUSE, AND CURE of Self Pity.



3/1/09 - "Call" - Genesis 12
Abraham was called of God.  And so are you!  3 things happen when God calls you, and they are discussed here, along with some basic requirements for it to work out.



2/22/09 - "Confusion" - Genesis 11:1-9
Babel means ‘confusion.’ It’s where we get the word ‘babble.’ And man w/out God is confused, and only God can help man ’rise up’ and make sense of things.



2/15/09 - "Corruption" - Genesis 3:1-3:24
The honeymoon comes to a screeching halt in the garden of Eden in this chapter. A man, a woman, & a snake in the grass.



Sun. PM/Wed. PM - "Cataclysm" - Genesis 6:1-9:29
Several of the most controversial and critical questions of our existence are answered in the Noah story. Great visuals help illustrate!



2/11/09 - "The Ideal Discipleship" - 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Win ’em, wet ’em, & wean ’em. That last step is the big one of discipleship - "Teaching them to observe all things..." Often forsaken, but so important!



2/8/09 - "Creation" - Gen. 1-2
First in new series "The Bible in 20 Cs" - a chronological overview of the Scriptures.  This message details the 6 days of Creation and refutes evolution.  Great visuals!

Click to see the Series


2/4/09 - "The Ideal Servant" - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Spiritual power, perseverance, purpose, and parenting made Paul the ideal servant to those he was leading. And we are all called to be servants.



2/1/09 - "God Loves You, That's What They Say" - Listen to the voices! God says, I love your soul, the cross says, I lean toward sinners, Jesus says, I long to save, the Spirit says, I’ll live inside, the Bible says I can literally be a son!

        [This sermon only available in the ''Complete Collection'.]  Click here



1/28/09 - "The Ideal Church" - 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Their ENERGY, their ELECTION, their EXAMPLE, their ENTHUSIASM, and their EXPECTANCY. More than a rough draft, Paul’s first letter to any church was the final word on what a church should be.



1/25/09 - "I'll Fly Away" - 1 Thessalonians 4; Psalm 55

Awesome pictorial PowerPoint accents this 'rapture' message.  In these verses written by David, he is tired and oppressed from all directions. Thus, in his prayer to God, he says “I wish I could fly away to a place of rest and get away from it all.”



1/21/09 - "A Great FamilyActs 18:1-3

A Godly Heritage is so important. And a great family is a SAVED family, a SERVING family, and a SANCTIFIED family.



1/18/09 - "The Audacity of Faith" - Daniel 3:1-30
Talk about ‘change we can believe in’--you’ll never be more changed than when you believe in the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, and when you have the audacity to place your faith in ‘That One’.






1/11/09 - "Choose You This Year" - Joshua 24:15

It was not only a new day for the Jews, but a new year...a new era! But the choices they make at this critical juncture will affect many others for a long time.







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